Project Four - Sense of Place

                                                               Downtown Rapid City

                    Growing up in Rapid City, my parents and I were constantly out and about. In particular, a lot of my time was spent in the downtown area. Although a little frightening at night, Downtown Rapid City was a wondrous place when I was a child, and throughout my teenage years. I chose this location because it truly resonates with me. Each area has been thoroughly explored, although I probably couldn't tell you where a single store is. All I would tell you is “that way.” My photos document key elements from my life, and they start in a record shop. As a music collector, I was drawn to this store. It plays funky music, and the employees are always pleasant. It's never loud, and I feel at ease when I’m strolling down the carpeted aisles. Art Alley, perhaps the most famous or recognizable aspect of Rapid City, has always been a personal favorite of mine. Each time I go back, I find new artwork to admire, although sometimes vandalized. The toy train photographed has existed since my youth, and is mesmerizing with its endless pursuit in a circle. 
                    Downtown Rapid City may be a little bit dirty, but to me it will always be perfect. If you ever happen to visit, check every store, as you never know what hidden gems you may discover.



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